Vandaag ontvingen we onderstaande mail van onze plaatselijke medewerker Jayanta, met triest nieuws uit Egra (200 km ten zuid-westen van Kolkata). Eén van de kinderen, Dulal Mandi is op 6 jarige leeftijd overleden door een slangenbeet.

Dulal (geboren op 3-12-2011) had 2 oudere broers (Sourab en Ajit) en een jonger zusje (Sunita). Zijn ouders Ram en Hasi, werken beiden als dag-arbeiders in de rijstvelden van Egra. Zij behoren tot de aller armsten en laagste kaste, en hebben weinig tot geen geld. De werkzaamheden op de rijstvelden zijn goed voor 6 maanden werk per jaar, de andere helft van het jaar zijn Ram en Hasi werkloos.


Let me share with you bad news about Dulal Mandi.

He was tired and sleeping by himself around 7 PM in the evening. Other family members go to bed around 9:30 to 10 PM.  They don’t have bed, mosquito net, door or windows.  Just 4 corner’s 4 bamboo and top was polythin sheet. Out side yard and their room floor is the same.

While he was sleeping suddenly he felt may be his brother’s hand over his body so he hold then threw that, but while he was about to through, then he was beaten, got up called his parents. They (parents) found it was poisonous snake then they walked to the hospital. Because they don’t have bi-cycle, tri-cycle, car or anything. It took so much time means time was wasted to save child’s life. Doctor asked them to take hospital at Kolkata because child’s health condition is going down. Then hired a car which money still they could not pay. After staying 2 days in the hospital at Kolkata child passed away. He left his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sister. 

Appreciate your prayers for this family.

In His service,
